Inspirations for Your Next Steps & Quantum Leaps
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               Expanded Soul
Gabriele Reign
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Energy... Back to Your Root
Your energy centers are comprised of a multitude of energies but we will be focusing on the first energy center, or chakra, which is your Root chakra.

Our chakras are the energy centers our consciousness, or energy system, is composed of. The ancient Hindu traditions, who have been studying consciousness for thousands of years, use the language of the chakras. The word chakra is Sanskrit, meaning 
vortex or wheel, and refers to the seven major energy centers. There are over 200 chakras yet we focus primarily upon seven [more advanced seekers focus on ten]. 

As there are volumes written on each chakra, I’ll begin with basic attributes and associations with each one. In this article, we focus on the Root Chakra. 
Image courtesy of
 Rapunzel Gifts
       These energy centers are: 

                • the Crown (7th), located at the top of the head is violet
                • the Brow Chakra, or Third Eye (6th), is indigo
                • the Throat Chakra (5th) at the base of the throat, is blue
                • the Heart Chakra (4th), is green
                • the Solar Plexus (3rd), located just below the ribcage, is yellow 
                • the Sacral (2nd), located at the center of the abdomen, is orange
                • the Root (1st) located at the perineum, 
                             just between the anus and sex organs, and is red

                Note the locations and colors associated with each.
Your Root deals with how you relate to survival, how you feel about being on the earth, the ability to allow your-self to be nourished in the sense of allowing your Inner Being to be satisfied, and trusting yourself. Imbalance in your Root chakra is most often experienced as various degrees of insecurity or to an extreme, feeling that your survival is threatened. 

Scarcity versus Abundance, Lack versus Knowing – When your Root chakra is in balance, you are in complete knowing and trust that the earth supports you and you take your place upon the earth firmly and with confidence; you show up on time, create the financial abundance to surpass your needs; you do what you say you want to do. You possess the ability to step from survival to thriving.
Here is a basic exercise to become aware of and strengthen your Root 

Close your eyes, stop multi-tasking in your mind, clear your thoughts, feel as though you have a transparent red sphere where your Root chakra is housed (at the base of your central channel), and feel the sensations that are brought to your attention now that you have a sense of your Root chakra’s basic elements. Do you feel steady and strong in life, or are you wavering, acquiescing to other’s perceptions of what and how you should be rather than standing firm in and for your own dreams? 

Notice what you feel, allow whatever sensations and feelings to come into your conscious mind. No editing, stop any analysis and just allow yourself to notice what you see in your mind’s eye and feel in your body. Use your breath if you need to become balanced.

Begin to image your Root as being strong and steady. Any observations to the contrary are simply aspects that you allow to transform, in perfect timing. 

Say to yourself "As I go through my day, I allow insights to come from within and know the clarity from the insights I receive will be known in their right timing. I walk forward in the strength of the root of who I am and look forward to my experiences as they unfold .” 
Although the exercise above is quite basic for some, do remember: at times, in going back to the basics, we gain deeper awareness. 

If this is new for you, be easy about what you notice. The more you activate the strength of your Root energy center, the more your experiences will match that strength. I'm always pleasantly surprised what's unveiled!
*The attributes we focused on were inspired by Rick Jarow's work The Anti-Career Workshop I attended about 10 years ago at the Omega Center in NY State. I believe it's now called The Ultimate Anti-Career Workshop. You may want to check it out at some point, it was valuable.